The Inner Course Before Intercourse

Tongue and Groove

tongueWhile watching my favorite home repair and home decorating shows on the DVR, they mentioned the wood or laminate floor installation procedure with the tongue and groove feature. Each side of the panels has a tongue on one side and a groove on the other. The groove of one side is meant to fit the tongue on the previously laid panel. This is the preferred method at most construction sites because it enhances the simplicity and ease of all the panels to get laid quickly. Can you see where I’m going yet?

Many people use their tongue to get them in the groove. A cheesy line here and a white lie there, and they got the digits or they got the date. Thinking this makes things easier, a person with these practices falls into a pit of dark and dank deception. You’re cheating on yourself by cheating yourself. You’re keeping who you truly are away from the person you don’t even want to give a chance to. So what’s the use in approaching this person if you go into this new experience blindfolding yourself, with folded arms, and chained ankles?

The energy used to create a phony façade, giving a gimmick to the person you’re trying to lay, only creates “carousel” momentum, not the “pickup truck” momentum you think you’re creating. By concocting a fantasy for the person to fall into, rather than being who you really are, shows a lack of character within yourself, a lack of respect for the person you’re attempting to trap, and reveals your own insecurities. (I know it’s tight right along in here, but it’s right. Just bear in mind you’re being restored to your true self through this rough patch of revelation. Keep pressing on.)

In the lies you tell just to get laid, you should see yourself more clearly. What you’re afraid of, what you’re trying to avoid, what you’re attempting to prevent will never be resolved until you address the internal issues within that directly relate to that inner conflict and confusion. This can be extremely difficult because we may sometimes find the person we thought we were was only a figment of our imagination. But we have to address our issues head on if we expect to make any headway in the dance for romance.

I’m telling you right now, I want you so blunt I can smoke you. You say you’re real? Show me in your honesty and the forthcoming attitude with who you are. Bravery is what defines us and being honest is courageous and rare. Stand out like the Superman or Superwoman you are, knowing greater is he who is within you.

Truthful communication is the best foreplay around, hands down. If you think about it, “communication rules the nation” is not just a cute cliché but also a definite reality. Depending on what you say or ask will determine my response. If you can’t trust yourself to be real with me, you can’t trust anything I do in response to your lies—so it’s all a kaleidoscope of an illusion to you. See how you cheat yourself? We have to upgrade our communication to garner the true satisfaction we all crave in relations.

We all want to be intimate with one another (spiritually and communicably), but premature sex is misdirected intimacy. Remember, our sex energy isn’t always for laying pipe but for laying the foundation of a healthy relationship with a person (and this also applies to establishing your purpose). Free yourself from the chains your lies have created and walk into the dance for romance with true “pickup” momentum. Bring sexy back through honest lips. And don’t forget to make sure your lips share the news of this site for the benefit of us all.

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